


  依据银行家(The Banker)杂志2013年7月份公布的全球一千大银行按总资产排名,合库银排名第155名,于台湾地区名列第二;2013年2月份公布的全球银行(含金控公司、银行、证券商)品牌前五百大排名,合库银排名第394名,于台湾地区6家上榜金融机构中,居第三名。

  Taiwan Cooperative Bank (hereinafter referred as TCB) was established in 1946 and merged with The Farmers Bank of China in 2006. TCB has the most extensive network of branches and positions as a market leader in the size of its deposits and loans among all Taiwan banks. The Taiwan Cooperative Financial Holdings was established on Dec.1, 2011 and becomes the sole shareholder of TCB.

  According to the list of the world’s top 1,000 banks by asset size, published in the July 2013 issue of The Banker magazine, the TCB ranked 155nd n the world and 2nd in Taiwan. In the global ranking of the top 500 banking brands, published in February 2013, the TCB ranked 394th in the world and No.3 in Taiwan, making it Taiwan’s top tier banking brand.


  有意愿者,请将个人履历及自传电邮list0911@tcb-bank.com.tw 李先生